Revolutionizing Healthcare - WoW Health

The Future of Affordable and Accessible Health Services

Wow Health
What we did
User Experience
Interface Design
Software development
Quality Assurance
Customer support
Responsive Design
Back end Dev & Integrations

In a healthcare landscape dominated by traditional health insurance, Wow Health came up with a different idea of merging technology and health and providing faster and more reliable health services - affordable and accessible to everyone.

A significant problem was existing where patients were unable to connect directly with medical facilities and instead must heavily rely on insurance carriers. This reliance on intermediaries hampers patients' access to essential help.

Our client was determined to resolve this issue by enabling patients to connect directly with medical facilities, thus bypassing unnecessary processes. By simplifying the healthcare journey, our goal was to empower patients and provide them with efficient and direct access to the care they need.



Though it started in 2017 and had all the essentials to get started, it needed more marketing and tech design for its users. This is where we faced the challenge of developing a disruptive health-tech solution enticing individuals to switch from long-standing insurance plans and pay heavier yearly prices.

This case study delves into tangent technologies’ partnership with WoW Health, exploring the complex technical requirements, marketing support, integration complexities, and the need for HIPAA compliance to bring about a transformative change in the healthcare industry.

  • Limited awareness in the market
  • Technical complexity
  • Expansion to the business world (B2B)
  • Ensuring HIPAA compliance
Wow Health Wow Health

Tech Stack
Java, Bootstrap, PHP, Angular

A well developed menu section was necessary to help the user engagement.

A comprehensive Dashboard layout for healthcare benefits and services.


Wow Health Wow Health

User-Centric Approach

We provided them a User-Centric Approach we designed a user-friendly and intuitive health-tech solution that showcased the advantages of switching to WoW Health's alternative healthcare platform.

Seamless Integration

Tangent Technologies leveraged its technical expertise to integrate WoW Health with multiple health platforms, enabling users to access a wide range of healthcare services, including telemedicine, prescription discounts, and wellness programs.

Wow Health

All our services are available here so user doesn't have to waste time finding it. The search icon enables fast search.

This sections shows the offers that can be explored with ease. It is aimed at targetting theuser's prompt attention.

The menus at the bottom of the screen are placed in such a way that it is easy for a user'sthumb to reach there.

Wow Health

Tangent Technologies’ front-end, back-end, mobile and UI/UX team worked together to create a website, iOS and Android App to offer telehealth services that were easy to use. Patient, provider, and employer portals were also created to meet the needs of everyone involved in WoW Health’s ecosystem.

We had to develop strategies to spread the word and inform people about WoW health. In this case, Effective marketing strategies were essential to creating awareness about WoW Health's alternative healthcare solution. Through targeted marketing campaigns, WoW Health can reach its target audience, educate them about the benefits of its platform, and generate interest in switching from traditional insurance or adopting a health benefits solution.

Wow Health Wow Health
Wow Health

Base System

Wow Health

We have created a sophisticated appointment-based portal specifically designed for doctors, enabling them to optimize and streamline their patient check-up schedules effectively.

A comprehensive and thorough overview of the doctor's appointments system to ensure no appointments are missed.

Wow Health
Impact and Results

Tangent Technologies successfully raised awareness about alternative healthcare solutions through targeted marketing campaigns. We effectively communicated the benefits of WoW Health's platform, resulting in a significant increase in user adoption and a shift away from traditional insurance models. 

The seamless integration of various health platforms provided users with a comprehensive healthcare ecosystem, offering convenience, flexibility, and access to a wide range of services. Our user-centric design approach resulted in a positive and engaging experience, promoting user loyalty and satisfaction.

WoW health - healthshare has disrupted the insurance industry and landed successfully in the B2B market in 2021! It was a massive success and a huge milestone that it covered after we provided them with a complete roadmap

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